Thursday, February 10, 2011

Due January 28th.

Main Ideas of Buddhism:

1. Anatta: selfless-ness. Obviously something about us is the same as it was yesterday, because we are the same person, but it is not simply one thing that makes us who we are. It is a multitude of things that makes us, we are not a soul. Everything is constantly changing and it is a constant series of births and deaths. As one moment is born, another moment dies. Our life is simply one moment in the universe.

2. Right Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta): meditation. Right mindfulness is not something studied, but learned by doing. Separated into the four foundations, it is a path taken to reach proper meditation. 

- The Four Foundations

Awareness of the Body: to be aware of the body one must control and understanding of the body. Coorect breathing through meditation. Correct posture while sitting, standing, or lying down. Awareness of the body's functions. Understanding that the body is simply a shell with no higher meaning and understanding that the body will die.

Awareness of Sensation: to be aware of sensation, one must be constantly aware what one is feeling and decipher sensations and emotions.

Awareness of Mind: to be aware of the mind, one must be aware of the constant changing thoughts and emotions.
Awareness of Mind - Objects: when the problems are identified, they may be overcome. Ignorance is the greatest disability in enlightenment. 

3. Description of Nibbana / Nirvana: When nirvana is reached, it is the end of all suffering and basically all the bads such as greed, hate and delusion (the three poisons). Nirvana is the end of impermanence where one is one with the universe and the end of rebirth. 

4. Description of Arahant / Arahat: Someone who has reached Nirvana.

Mahayana Buddhism: 

5. Mahayana Buddhism:
- Emptiness: Everything is empty, nothing is absolute. Everything happens based on  other occurrences. Nothing happens for a reason, thus it is empty, just like everything else. Nirvana Is emptiness, that is why one can not desire nirvana, because desire is not empty, thus not true.

- Bodhisattva ideal: Someone who has already reached the understanding of emptiness and has reached Nirvana, but does not actually accept it because they would rather help others reach Nirvana. The accept continuous rebirth and enlightened through rebirth. (MR. U, THIS IS THE ONE THAT MAKES THE LEAST SENSE TO ME.)

- Devotional Buddhism: Ideal that new texts to help teach anyone and everything about the ideals in Buddhism are acceptable. New texts are constantly created to find a path for all types of people. Each text leads to enlightenment.

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